The Gospels

A new translation by Sarah Ruden

In this remarkable new translation of the Gospels, Sarah Ruden treats the books of Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John with unprecedented precision, uniquely concentrating on the original words and sensitively reflecting on their historical and literary context, to give us the most accessible version of the text available to date. Stripping away the accretions of later theology and pedantry that cover standard English editions of the Bible, this masterful translation presents each Gospel as a narrative that can be read clear through and understood on its own terms. In her skillful and illuminating introduction, Ruden explains where the Gospels came from, how their forms evolved, and how they set about revolutionizing world thought. Succinct yet illuminating footnotes and a discursive glossary explain the many word choices that depart from the traditional ones. The result is a striking and persuasive reappraisal of the “good news” of the Gospels.

“Electrifying . . . [Ruden transforms] these most familiar of ancient texts into fresh reading experiences.”—<em>The Christian Science Monitor</em>

books by Sarah Ruden
I Am the Arrow by Sarah Ruden
Vergil by Sarah Ruden
the gospels translated by sarah ruden
The Aeneid Translated by Sarah Ruden expanded edition
The Face of Water by Sarah Ruden
The Golden Ass translated by Srah Ruden
Homeric Hymns translated by Srah Ruden
Lysistrata translated by Sarah Ruden
Satryicon translated by Sarah Ruden
Other Places - Poetry by Sarah Ruden